Class News
Hello and welcome to our class website!
Here you will find weekly updates on what we're working on in class and other information about what's happening around school.
If you have questions, please feel free to contact me.
Mrs. Brown

Week of 3/27/23
Unit 5: Students are learning to Draw Conclusions and support their conclusions with evidence from the text and background knowledge.
Students will learn how the prefixes mis- and mal- change the meaning of words.
Students will begin learning how to write opinion essays.
In Math, we are in Eureka's Module 5. Students are learning to add and multiply with volume and area.
Find Parent Newsletters, video assistance, and Student Handouts for Eureka Math on the Resources Page.
Social Studies
In Social Studies, we are studying Civil Rights in America.

Week of 2/27/23
Week of 2/21/23
Week of 2/13/23
Are you looking for training in behavior support. You can find resources through BIST. Click the button below to find out more.
Upcoming events:
No School
April 3rd - 4th - Professional Development for Teachers
MAP Testing
May 4th - 12th
4th and 5th Grade Music Program
May 11th
i-Ready Testing
May 15th-19th