Mrs. Orender Danelle Orender » Fifth grade Art Club

Fifth grade Art Club


Dear Parent(s),

Martin City Elementary is forming an After-School Art Club.  The Art Club will meet every Thursday. The club times will be 4:00 and end at 5:00.  Students will need to have their own transportation provided.   Parents need to pick-up their student at 5:00.


The following criteria are provided for those interested in joining the Art Club:


  • Achieve B+ or higher grade in Art Class during the school year.
  • No office or discipline referrals during the school year
  • The first 15 students who complete the above criteria and provide the signed permission slip to Miss Orender.
The art club will start the second week in January. The Art Club will consist of projects based on three-dimensional design and various other artworks. Please sign the permission slip below for your child to participate in Art Club and list a phone number where you can be reached. The applying student must sign below and return as soon as possible to Mrs. Orender

Thank you,

Mrs. Orender

Martin City Elementary Art Teacher

Yes, my child can participate in Art Club.  Transportation will be provided to pick-up my child at 5:00.  If your child is not picked up at the scheduled time they cannot be in the art club.

_______________________________________    Phone number _________________

(Parent Signature)

Yes, I would like to apply for the Art club and I understand that I must meet all the criteria in order to participate.


(Student Signature)