Mrs. Orender Danelle Orender » Syllubus






Strand I: Product/Performance

Select and apply two-dimensional media, techniques, and process to communicate and solve challenging visual art problems.


GLE:  “I Can” produce a line using a crayon, pencil or marker.

GLE:  “I Can” use scissors with control.

Communicate ideas about subject matter and themes in artworks created for various purposes.

GLE:   Non-Objective:  “I Can” create a design using lines.


Strand II:  Elements and Principles

Select and use elements of art for their effect in communicating ideas through artwork.

GLE:  “I Can” Identify and use lines.   Straight, spiral, wavy, curved, thick, thin, zigzag, broken and dotted.

GLE: “I Can” identify and use pattern by repeating a single shape, line or color. AB, ABC, AABB pattern.


Strand III:  Artistic Perceptions

Analyze and evaluate art using art vocabulary.

GLE:  “I Can” identify the subjects in an artwork.


Strand II:  Elements and Principles

Select and use elements of art for their effect in communicating ideas




GLE:  “I Can” identify and use shapes.  Circle, square, rectangle, oval, triangle and rhombus. GLE: “I Can” categorize shapes as large and small.

GLE: “I Can” identify and use pattern by repeating a single shape, line or color. 

Strand II:  Elements and Principles

Select and use elements of art for their effect in communicating ideas




GLE “I Can” identify and use color   (red, yellow, blue, orange, green, black, white, purple (violet) and grey.

GLE:  “I Can” identify and use pattern by repeating a single shape, line or color.

First Grade

GLE:  “I Can” fill in an area with solid color/value using crayon, pencil or marker. 

GLE:  “I Can” create a still life with one object (ex.  Toy, food, game, sports, backpack, lunchbox).



First Grade 



GLE: “I Can” identify and straight, curved, thick and thin lines.

GLE:  “I Can” identify and create an alternating pattern (ABAB).

GLE:  “I Can” identify the following in artworks:  Lines, shapes, colors and patterns.

GLE:  Compare and contrast two artworks on:  Subject matter, use of line, color and shape.




GLE: “I Can” identify and use triangle, circle, square, rectangle and oval shapes. 

GLE: “I Can” categorize shapes as small, medium, and large.

GLE: “I Can” identify the following in artworks:  Line, color, shape and patterns.

GLE: “I Can” compare and contrast two artworks on:  subject matter, use of line, color and shape.




GLE:  “I Can” identify and use form.

GLE: “I Can” identify and demonstrate the use of space.

GLE: “I Can” identify and demonstrate the concept of middle or center.

GLE: “I Can” identify the following in artworks:  Lines, Shapes, Color and Patterns




GLE:  “I Can” identify and use texture.




GLE: “I Can” Identify and use primary colors.  Red, Yellow and Blue.

GLE: “I Can” identify the following in artworks:  Lines, Shapes, Color and Patterns.




GLE: “I Can” identify and use value.

GLE: “I Can” identify the following in artworks:  Lines, Shapes, Color and Patterns.




GLE: “I Can” identify and demonstrate the use of space.


Second Grade




GLE: “I Can” identify and use zigzag, dotted and wavy lines.

GLE: “I Can” paint lines with control of the brush.

GLE: “I Can” compare and contrast two artworks on:  subject matter, media, use of line, color, shape, and texture.




GLE: “I Can” identify and use geometric shapes.  Circle, square, rectangle, oval, rhombus, hexagon, octagon, pentagon and triangle

GLE:  Identify the following in artworks:  geometric shapes, geometric forms, Foreground and background, real textures, contrast/variety of colors.

GLE: “I Can” compare and contrast two artworks on: subject matter, media, use of line, color, shape and texture.




GLE: “I Can” Identify and use geometric forms: sphere, cube, cylinder and cone.

GLE: “I Can” identify the following in artworks:  Geometric shapes, geometric forms, foreground and background, real textures, contrast/variety of colors.




GLE: “I Can” identify and use actual texture.

GLE: “I Can” identify the following in artworks:  Geometric shapes, geometric forms, Foreground and background, real textures, contrast/variety of colors.

GLE: “I Can” compare and contrast two artworks on:  subject matter, media, use of line, color, shape, and texture.




GLE: “I Can” Mix two colors to create a third color.

GLE: “I Can” identify and use secondary colors.  Purple(violet), orange and green.  GLE: “I Can” identify and use color contrast/variety of colors.

GLE: “I Can” compare and contrast two artworks on:  subject matter, media, use of line, color, shape, and texture.




GLE: “I Can” Identify and use light and dark values.

GLE: “I Can” change pressure to create two values using crayon or pencil.




GLE:  “I Can” identify and use foreground and background to create the illusion of space.

GLE: “I Can” create an original landscape. 

GLE: “I Can” identify the following in artworks:  Geometric shapes, geometric forms, Foreground and background, real textures, contrast/variety of colors. (Art Vocabulary)

GLE:  Rhythm/Repetition:  “I Can” identify and create a complex pattern.


Third Grade




GLE:  “I Can” Identify and use the directional lines:  Horizontal, vertical and    

            Diagonal lines.

GLE: “I Can” paint lines and fill in shapes with even color using tempera.

GLE:  Non-Objective:  “I Can” create an artwork using line, shape and color.

Art Vocabulary

GLE: “I Can” identify the following in artworks: Warm and cool colors, Symmetrical Balance, invented textures, Horizontal, diagonal and vertical lines, contrast/variety of sizes.




GLE: “I Can” Differentiate between shapes and forms.

GLE: “ I Can” manipulate paper to create forms (in the round).

GLE: Non-Objective: Create an original artwork using line, shape and color.

GLE:  “I Can” identify and use size contrast.

GLE:  Compare and contrast two artworks on:  Subject matter, Media, use of line, color, shape, and texture.  Theme, purpose of art in culture and place.




GLE: “I Can” identify and demonstrate sculpture-in-the-round.

GLE:  Manipulate paper to create forms (in-the-round).




GLE: “I Can” identify and use invented textures.

GLE: “I Can” model with clay or a similar material: create applied and impressed textures.

GLE:  Compare and contrast two artworks on:  Subject matter, Media, use of line, color, shape, and texture.  Theme, purpose of art in culture and place.




GLE: “I Can” layer two or more colors using crayon, colored pencil or oil pastel.  GLE: “I Can” identify and use the warm and cool colors.  (red, red orange, orange, yellow orange, yellow, yellow green) (green, blue-green, blue, blue violet, violet, red-violet.

GLE: “I Can” Compare and contrast two artworks on:  Subject matter, Media, use of line, color, shape, and texture.  Theme, purpose of art in culture and place.




GLE: “I Can” Identify and use middle ground, overlapping, and change of size to create illusion of space.

GLE: “I Can” (landscape) create an original cityscape.

GLE: “I Can” identify and use symmetrical (formal balance)


Fourth Grade


GLE: “I Can” apply water color paint to wet areas to blend color (wet-on-wet technique).

GLE: “I Can” (Portrait) create facial features in correct proportion.

GLE: “I Can” Exaggerate, distort, or simplify features to create an abstract portrait.

GLE: “I Can” identify realistic facial proportions.

GLE: “I Can” (Still life) Exaggerate, distort, or simplify observed objects to create an abstract still life.

GLE: “I Can” (Landscape) Create an original seascape.

GLE: “I Can” identify and use radial balance.

GLE: “I Can” Create an original artwork that communicates ideas about the following themes: Missouri, the environment and time (past, present and future).




GLE: “I Can” Identify and use outlines.


Art Vocabulary


Describe the use one of the following in artworks: Outlines, Organic shapes and forms, Tints and shades, Values, Positive and Negative space, Radial balance, Center of interest/focal point, Contrast/variety of values, complex patterns and facial proportions.

Compare and contrast two artwork on: subject matter, media, Use value and space, theme, purpose of art in culture and place.




GLE: “I Can” identify and use organic (free form) shapes.




GLE: “I Can” identify and demonstrate relief sculpture.

GLE: “I Can” model with clay or similar material; make organic forms.

GLE: “I Can” identify and use organic form




GLE: “I Can” Identify and use tints and shades.

GLE: “I Can” use tempera paints, add color to white to create a tint. 

GLE: “I Can” use tempera paints, add black to a color to create a shade.




GLE: “I Can” Identify and demonstrate a value scale.

GLE: I Can” identify and use value contrast.

GLE:  “I Can” create light, medium, and dark values using pencil.




GLE: “I Can” identify and use placement and change in detail to create illusion of space.  I can identify and use positive and negative space.


Fifth grade


GLE: “I Can” Create texture or surface quality using any drawing media.

GLE: “I Can” demonstrate a subtractive printmaking process (e.g. Styrofoam, linoleum, wood, eraser, to produce multiple images.

GLE: “ I Can” create a portrait from observation.

GLE: “I Can” identify and use asymmetrical (informal) balance.

GLE: “I Can” identify and use relative size (realistic scale)

GLE: “I Can” Compare and contrast two artworks on:  time, place, subject matter, media, use of elements, themes, purpose of art in culture, use of materials and technology.


Art Vocabulary

Describe the use of the following in artworks: Contour lines, Symbolic shapes, illusion of form, implied/simulated textures, intermediate and neutral colors, asymmetrical balance, contrast/variety of textures, perspective: change in size, point of view.



GLE: “I Can” identify and use contour lines.



GLE: “I Can” identify and use symbolic shapes.



GLE: “I Can” identify and use the illusion of form: cube, sphere, cylinder and cone.

GLE: “I Can” combine simple forms to create a complex object/form (in-the-round).

GLE: “I Can” model with clay or similar material: build a form using a coil technique.

GLE: “I Can” (Still life) create a still life from observation that shows the illusion of form.




GLE: “I Can” identify and use implied or simulated textures.

GLE: “I Can” identify and use texture contrast.




GLE: “I Can” identify and use intermediate and neutral colors.  (red-violet, red-orange, yellow-orange, yellow-green, blue-green, blue-violet) (Gray, white and black).

GLE: “I Can” Identify the arrangement of colors on the color wheel.

In order: Red, Red-orange, orange, yellow-orange, yellow, yellow-green, green, blue-green, blue, blue-violet, violet, red-violet.

GLE: “I Can” mix a variety of hues to create a new color.

GLE: “I Can” apply layers of watercolor paint from lightest to darkest colors.




GLE: “I Can” identify and use converging lines to create illusion of space

GLE: “I Can” identify and use a single horizon line.

GLE: “I Can” create an original outdoor scene to show the illusion of space.