Michelle Brown Seventh Grade Science Teacher

Welcome to Mrs. Brown's webpage. I am the seventh-grade science teacher at Martin City K-8. I am in my eighth year in the Grandview School District and seventeenth year in education. I have enjoyed my tenure in the district and look forward to many more.
Education has always been my passion. I believe all students have the innate ability to grow and develop intellectually, socially, and academically, when provided with an educational platform structured for their individualized success.
My class structure is student-centered to encourage leadership and self-efficacy. I utilize the learning styles and knowledge level to influence curriculum and lesson planning decisions. Students are also involved in the operational aspects of the class structure. They have the opportunity to serve in various classroom capacities that will foster leadership and cooperation among their peers.
My academic platform is structured to garner high levels of achievement for all students. I use experimentation and investigation as a way to provide depth and engagement for all learners.
I appreciate the opportunity to be a part of your students' academic experience at Martin City and look forward to partnering with all who have a vested interest in seeing children succeed.

“All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual.” – Albert Einstein